Jhalda 132/33 KV GIS
Jhalda 132/33 KV GIS was commissioned on 29.05.2019 at 17.15 hrs along with 2nos 132/33KV 50MVA Transformers. The commissioning of 132/33KV Jhalda GIS will strengthen the power infrastructure of Purulia District and solve the low voltage problem of Jaipur, Jhalda-I, Jhalda-II & Arsha Blocks. At present, maximum tentative load will be 40 MVA. As a result, more than 70,000 consumers will be benefitted. Jhalda 132 KV GIS was constructed by M/s ABB in 2 years at a cost of Rs 25.46 crores, and the related 132 KV Bagmundi-Jhalda Double circuit Transmission Line (100 CKM) was completed by M/S L&T Ltd. in 3 years at a total cost of Rs 42.81 crores.